PETALS Snapshot 3 - Google Toolkit & where's your happy place?

The one when Si talks about launching the new Google Toolkit to the mailing list and how to bring joy to your work.

Aug 11, 2023, 10:00 AM

Little tangent here. Let's go off peace and talk a little bit about enjoyment. So what I did do last week, I was having a one to one with one of my engineers, and we went down this kind of route of, are you really enjoying the work? Are you satisfied with what you're doing? And it led up to this question where I said, Where is your happy place? And it got me thinking about being a child, almost. Where is your ultimate friendly place? Where do you feel your best? And at your best, where are you really content? Or do you really enjoy your being? And it made me think this is a really powerful question to use when you are in those conversations, those difficult conversations, maybe, where you just get in nowhere with someone. It presented some really interesting topics for this individual. We started deep diving into coding and pairing and mentoring, and that seemed to be his real happy place. I was like, this is cool. So I blogged about this. I put a post out on my own blog that Work is your happy Place. And I'll just give a little bit more context as to why enjoyment is so important as part of Petals. It's not a case of just going to work, doing your job, being productive, and getting out. Are you actually enjoying your work? And can we try to capture any of those moments where there's a significant drop or any potential trends going down? What can we do to make sure people bring in their joy to the work they do? So that's where enjoyment comes from.

Episode Notes

The one when Si talks about launching the new Google Toolkit to the mailing list and how to bring joy to your work.

00:45 Scores 01:07 Where is your happy place? 02:27 Google Toolkit Launch 04:00 Brand tone in email 06:10 PETALS for distributed teams 08:20 Going global 09:31 Youtube thumbnails 10:16 Podcast feed 10:34 Taking a summer break

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